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Writer's pictureBrian Cool


Updated: Feb 13, 2022

HERE IS THE KEY to all good stories—it opens the door to adventure. A roleplaying game is a key you hold in your mind. You could also think of Mythmaker as a group simulation, an interactive novel, an improvised play, a time machine perhaps, or your own little funhouse.

There are many reasons and many ways to roleplay. It’s about social engagement and connecting with others at the gaming table. It’s about fantasy, exploring the world your imagination creates, and escapism. It’s about the spirit of heroism! But mostly, it’s for the fun of it.

RPGs are traditionally played in small groups, for several hours at a time. There are rulebooks, dice, maps, mystery, and (most importantly) adventure. A warning though—don’t be surprised when you find yourself hooked.

These books hold the basic instructions, core concepts, character options, tips for play, several epic adventures and game master tools. But it is you, the player, who creates the story. You are the mythmaker.

Game Master, Players and Characters

The Game Master, or GM, sets the scene. They control the winds and rain. They know the villain’s darkest secrets. They narrate the actions of all the secondary characters, or SCs. In doing this, the GM must be an impartial arbiter, for theirs is the final word. This requires balance and the underlying partnership of everyone at the table.

The player is a sort of puppeteer, controlling what is essentially an imaginary, live-action figure. The player sees the world through the eyes of his or her character. For many, the draw of roleplaying comes from being encouraged to pretend they are someone else. Most game sessions gather several players who work together to direct a cast of main characters.

This book is primarily for the player, containing the myriad options for character building. The other two books in your kit are for the GM’s eyes only.

The Main Character, or MC, does whatever the player says. MCs give the game direction. They make the consequential decisions that become the story. When you are in tune with your character, the story transcends the game, and you gain that unique feeling of connection attainable only in roleplay. As the story unfolds, players pit their MC’s strengths against the obstacles in their way. Their chosen skills may ensure their success.

Main characters are either made by the players or premade to fit certain stories. The MC sheet provides a history, some skills and a record of their strengths and weaknesses. Characters in Mythmaker can choose an occupation, along with a few skills and an archetype. The archetype concept gives an MC the beginnings of a personality. The player is also encouraged to fill in a short character backstory. However, main characters are more than the sum of their parts. Players are encouraged to ‘act in character’ as they interact with the game world—not necessarily in every scene, but enough to give the other players a sense of who they are.

Some games are solo adventures, in which there is only one game master and one player. Often a player group gets together to play a collection of MCs, referred to as ‘the party’. The adventuring party is a staple of RPGs. Many kinds of characters exist, and many different party combinations are common. The cast traditionally consists of a mixed lot, including a bruiser, a healer, a vagabond, and a mage.

One character is often the leader of the group. If so, care should be taken to balance player participation and decision-making. Beyond the party, your character will likely have other connections with the world. While it is not necessary for a character to belong to any sort of guild or group, it is likely that they do.

Living Legends

Our history on Earth is replete with heroic tales. Indeed our collective consciousness is a map of the legendary. Beyond the iron gates of time, over the horizon of dreams lies a mythological realm that is our heritage, and perhaps our greatest treasure. The wings of imagination provide the ticket to this otherworld.

Mythmaker endeavors to feed the sense of mystery within us through the art of storytelling. The mythologies of past civilizations are the springboard. What we hope to teach is a method to take the old stories and make them anew through roleplaying. And not just myths and legends, but the many great modern works of fiction that we all enjoy. More than that, we want to offer you the tools to create brand new stories and worlds of your own.

Mythmaker is designed to be flexible for those gamers who like to spread their wings when it comes to genre. Whether you like fantasy, fairy tales, science fiction or alternate history, here is the vehicle. With a focus on the adventure, and simple mechanics guided by common sense, we hope you will want to use these rules for all of your roleplaying.

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