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More Game for Less 

If you will save us a place at your table, we promise magnificence, astonishment, blinding beauty and edge-of-your-seat excitement. Mythmaker is a roleplaying game in the grand old tradition, but with the hard edges filed off. Built on legends and powered by the Mass-Adventure Game Engine (M.A.G.E.), it makes the most of the stories you love.

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Welcome to a world where you make legends live. 

Hail players! Hail game masters, to the land of adventure. And well met!

Winter is coming, and with it the arrival of a great conflict, for a new RPG is born, heralding a gaming revolution. Will you be ready?

Throughout the creation and early play-testing of Mythmaker, the focus has been to enhance those things we love about RPGs, and to fix those that we don’t. Simple, intuitive guidelines allow the ultimate immersive experience. Realistic settings provide the foundation, while interesting interactions draw the player into the scene. And, when the inevitable conflict arises, our streamlined combat system shines.

DISCLAIMER: Mythmaker is not affiliated with and is in no way derived from the RPG Mage: the Ascension or its esteemed publisher White Wolf Games. Our apologies if you came here by mistake. The link you seek is below. 

Mythmaker Journal


Author first plays earliest published version of Dungeons and Dragons, taking on the mantle of Dungeon Master. Running numerous published ‘modules’ for different groups he eventually turns to worldbuilding and creating his own adventures. Many hours of play, many dollars spent, and many other RPGs later, he abandons D&D to focus on work and writing. Meanwhile, two of his early attempts at creating standalone RPGs fail.

Image by Keren Fedida

Coming Soon!

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For those interested in the finished product, check back in with us often for the latest updates. As we near completion, you will find options to pre-order Mythmaker.


The release of the beta version is here. We are offering free copies of the game. Download yours from our Playtester Resources page. If you want to become an official playtester, use the following form to get more info. Or visit our Facebook page and sign up.

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